Jack Russell Obedience Training Secrets
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As a dog owner, you will find pride and joy to own a dog that is obedient, loving and one that can provide you with great companionship. However, all these traits that are very much desired by dog owners do not come naturally to their dogs. This is because every dog has a natural animal instinct and he has to be obedience trained, preferably from a young age to achieve the desired traits.
As such, every dog owner should seriously consider dog obedience training for their dog to cultivate good habits and be disciplined. Dog obedience training should be an integral part of your dog’s life. Just like humans that have to go through several years of education before they join the workforce, your dog should also go through his own “education” process to be a good dog.
If you are considering training your Jack Russell on your own, let me share with you the secrets that I learned the hard way through training and owning many Jack Russell and other dog breeds.
Secrets to obedience train your Jack Russell
The Jack Russell terrier was originally bred to hunt foxes. Due to the nature of his “job” to chase and hunt foxes and other small animals that run very fast; Jack Russell has to be small, intelligent, smart, bold, fast, and a hard worker.
As such, each time you face obedience problems with your Jack Russell, you should look back at these traits and see if the obedience problem is in any way related to them. Here are some secrets that I would like to share with you to successfully obedience train your terrier:
• During your dog obedience training, never punish your terrier for something that he has done wrong. Always check and evaluate to see if the mistakes could have been avoided. If the mistake is made by your dog, have your dog repeat the task over again to make sure that the mistake is not made anymore. Sometimes it may take your dog a few repetitions before he understands how to do a particular task right.
• Some people think that by penalizing their dog, their dog will be more obedient. For example, they will jerk the leash sharply when their dog does not want to move. However, this only causes negative feelings in your dog. So instead of jerking on the leash, you can instill a sense of guilt in him by telling him in a firm and stern voice what he did wrong and then ignoring him. Dogs are very smart. When he senses those negative feelings you are directing at him, he will know that he has done the task wrong.
• As with many animals, the “reward” secret always works. If you go to the circus, you will notice the performers rewarding the animals for tasks successfully done and completed. This is their secret to how they can get the animals to perform what they have been taught. I have used this method on my dogs and find that it is one of the more useful methods in obedience training. A reward can be given food, petting him, giving verbal praise, or any other actions that you know your dog likes.
• Another important secret to successful obedience training is consistency. You have to be consistent in every action of your obedience training; otherwise, you are giving mixed signals to your dog and he will be confused and not be able to respond to the way you intended.
Getting your dog to behave and be obedient is not that challenging. All you need to do is to understand the nature of the breed and then apply the secrets I shared and you will find that most times, your dog will respond positively to it.